Concentrates // Alimento Concentrado

Management // Manejo

US // Feeds that are more nutrient-dense than grass and hay; they contain more calories per pound. E.g. Corn, milo, oats, barley and wheat. Sometimes fed to cattle when pastures are poor, hay is in short supply, or to finish beef calves faster.
Thomas, H.S. 2005. Getting Started with Beef and Dairy Cattle. USA. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. See p. 264.
CAN // High-energy feeds included in the diet to improve the rate of gain and reduce the cost of finishing.
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 2010: 10.
MEX // Alimento que ha sido elaborado segu´n los requerimientos del ganado, el cual es fabricado por una casa comercial o producido en el establo.
SAGARPA, s/f-3

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