Rangeland Coefficient // Coeficiente de agostadero

Management // Manejo

MEX // Superficie requerida para sostener una unidad animal (UA) al año, en forma permanente y sin deteriorar los recursos naturales.
MEX // Los coeficientes de agostadero son permanentes. Se calculan para condiciones naturales, es decir, sin considerar el disturbio provocado por mal uso o mejoras de las condiciones de los sitios evaluados. Tienen carácter legal y son vigentes para determinar el tamaño de la pequeña propiedad ganadera.

Nota: Se estima con base en la condición de un sitio dado, su composición botánica y el estado de productividad que guardaba ese sitio en relación a su potencial (CFAN 1965: 20).
MEX // Se estima con base en la condición de un sitio dado, su composición botánica y el estado de productividad que guardaba ese sitio en relación a su potencial.
CFAN. 1965. Estudio integral preliminar sobre la ganadería de la zone norte de la República Mexicana. Tomo IV. Consejo de Fomento Agropecuario del Norte de México y Coparmex. México. Ver pág. 20.


EN // Carrying capacity; Grazing capacity; Stocking density; Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable; Grazing management; Management, holistic; Rangeland Condition (Managment)
ESP // Capacidad de carga; Capacidad de Carga Animal; Carga animal ecológicamente sostenible; Manejo de pastizales; Manejo holístico (Manejo)

Rangeland Condition // Condición del agostadero

Management // Manejo

US // 1. The state of health or productivity of both soil and forage of a given range in terms of what it could or should be under a normal climate and under the best practicable management. 2. An animal that is in a sufficent state of health or condition to be kept on the range.

Note: This term measures the range based upon agricultural production standards. This is different from «range condition» which measures the range based upon ecological standards.
Herren, R.V. and R.L. Donahue. 1991. The Agriculture Dictionary. USA. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers. See p. 381.
CAN // The composition of range plant communities relative to the kinds and relative amounts of plants that range is naturally capable of supporting.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
CAN // The current state of the vegetation compared with that of the climax or original vegetation for the range site.
Smoliak, S., J.A. Campbell, A. Johnston and L.M. Forces. 1966. Guide to Range Condition and Stocking Rates for Alberta Grasslands. Alberta Lands and Forests Publ.
MEX // Estado actual de salud y productividad de las tierras de pastoreo con respecto a su potencial.
MEX // Estado actual de la vegetacio´n de un sitio, expresado en te´rminos comparativos con el ma´ximo potencial de ese sitio.
Esqueda, M. et al. 2011: 9.


EN //Rangeland Coefficient (Management)
ESP // Coeficiente de agostadero (Manejo)

Rangeland Health // Salud del agostadero

Management // Manejo

US // The ecological condition of the land, measured by three characteristics: soils/watershed functions; energy flow relationships; ability to recover from a disturbance.
USDA website, NIFA.
CAN // A term used to describe net primary productivity, maintenance of soil/site stability, capture and beneficial release of water, nutrient cycling and energy flow, and functional diversity of plant species on rangeland.
Bruynooghe and Macdonald 2008: 106.


EN // Carrying capacity; Grazing capacity; Stocking density; Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable; Grazing management; Management, holistic; Rangeland condition (Management)
ESP // Capacidad de carga; Capacidad de Carga Animal; Carga animal ecológicamente sostenible; Manejo del Pastoreo; Manejo holístico; Condición del agostadero (Manejo)

Rangeland Management // Manejo de agostadero

Management // Manejo

US // The art and science of planning and directing range use to obtain sustained maximum forage for animal production consistent with uses of the land for other important purposes.
Herren, R.V. and R.L. Donahue. 1991. The Agriculture Dictionary. USA. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers. See p. 382.
CAN // The art and science of optimizing the returns from rangelands in those combinations most desired by and suitable to society through the manipulation and conservation of range ecosystems.
Prairie Conservation Forum 2001: 29.


EN // Stewardship (Management)
ESP // Liderazgo, administración responsable (Manejo)

Roughage // Forraje

Management // Manejo

US // Feeds high in fiber and low in energy, such as hay and pasture.
Thomas, H.S. 2005. Getting Started with Beef and Dairy Cattle. USA. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. See p. 270.
CAN // Pasture, dry hay, silage and other roughages including straw, by-products, beet pulp, vegetable waste, etc. converted to 100% dry matter.
Statistics Canada 2003: 9.
MEX // Hierba que se da al ganado, especialmente en la primavera. Pasto seco conservado para alimentación del ganado y también los cereales destinados a la alimentación del ganado.
Real Academia Española 2001.


EN // Roughage (Management)
ESP // Forraje (Manejo)

Stewardship // Liderazgo, administración responsable

Management // Manejo

US // The responsibility for environmental quality shared by all those whose actions affect the environment.
EPA website.
CAN // Stewardship is an ethic that embodies cooperative planning and management of environmental resources with organizations, communities and others to actively engage in the prevention of loss of habitat and facilitate its recovery in the interest of long-term sustainability.
Association of Professional Biology 2008: 1.
CAN // The responsible use (including conservation) of natural resources in a way that takes full and balanced account of the interests of society, future generations, and other species, as well as of private needs, and accepts significant answerability to society.

Note: Original definition taken from Worrell and Applebly, 2000.
Alberta Invasive Plants Council website.


EN // Sustaianble development (Environment); Ecologically Sustainable; Grazing management; Management, holistic (Management); Graze Well Standard; Natural (Marketing
ESP // Desarrollo sostenible (Medio Ambiente); Manejo de pastizales; Manejo holístico; Carga animal ecológicamente sustentable (Manejo); estándar de buen pastoreo; Natural (Mercadotecnia)

Stocking density // Carga animal

Management // Manejo

US // The number of animals, animal units or total animal liveweight present at a particular point in time on a defined area (paddock). Stocking density is usually defined on a per-acre basis.
Beef Quality Assurance: 157.
US // Animal demand per unit area of land at any instant of time (i.e. AU/acre or AU/section of land); an animal/area ratio describing the relationship between number of animals and the corresponding area of land at any instant of time. Also stocking rate.
Vallentine, J.F. 2001. Grazing Management. USA. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. See p. 575.
CAN // The number of animals on a given area of land at any moment in time.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
MEX // Número de unidades animal que pastorean un área determinada y en un tiempo específico.
SAGARPA, 2003.
MEX // Nu´mero de cabezas de ganado que pastorean en una superficie determinada sin considerar la e´poca del an~o y los dan~os a la vegetacio´n.
Esqueda, M. et al. 2011: 9.


EN // Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable (Management)
ESP // Carga animal ecológicamente sustentable (Manejo)

Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable // Carga animal ecológicamente sostenible

Management // Manejo

CAN // The maximum number of AUMs for a given plant community or vegetation polygon that can be sustained without causing a downward trend in rangeland health.
ASRD 2004: 20.
MEX // Permite la recuperacio´n de la vegetacio´n (cobertura, produccio´n, calidad y diversidad de especies), favorece la cosecha de agua de lluvia y contribuye a reducir la erosio´n; adema´s, la productividad del ganado mejora al disponer de una mayor cantidad de forraje de buena calidad, lo cual favorece el desarrollo de una ganaderi´a sostenible.
Esqueda, M. et al. 2011: 16.


EN // Ecologically Sustainable; Grazing management; Management, holistic; Stocking density; Stewardship (Management); Graze Well Standard; Natural (Marketing)
ESP // Manejo del Pastoreo; Manejo holísitico; Capacidad de Carga Animal; Liderazgo, administración responsable; Carga animal ecológicamente sustentable (Manejo); estándar de buen pastoreo; Natural (Mercadotecnia)

Supplement // Suplemento

Management // Manejo

US // Addition (vitamins, menerals, or protein) to the diet that makes the total ration more complete or balanced.
Thomas, H.S. 2005. Getting Started with Beef and Dairy Cattle. USA. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. See p. 271.
CAN // Nutritional additive intended to remedy deficiencies of the diet, such as salt, minerals, protein.
Canadian Hereford Association 2010: 3.
MEX // Complemento alimenticio (vitamina, minerales, proteína y energía) para el ganado.
Sánchez Granillo, E., PhD. Councillor of the Minister, Ministry of Rural Development, State Government of Chihuahua. Personal communication, 2012.

Sustainable Development // Desarrollo sostenible

Environment // Medio Ambiente

US // Development that meets present needs in ways that will not make it more difficult for future generations to meet their own needs.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003: Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 398.
CAN // A conceptual idea where development meets the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
PCAP 1998: 44.
CAN // The act of balancing human needs for resources with the maintenance of healthy natural ecosystems that support human existence.
Prairie Conservation Forum 2001: 29.
MEX // Ideal conceptual en el que el aprovechamiento de los recursos satisface las necesidades de las generaciones presentes sin comprometer la capacidad de las generaciones futuras para satisfacer sus propias necesidades.
ECOPAD 2007: 21.


EN // Conservation (Environment); Carrying capacity; Grazing capacity; Stewarship; Stocking density; Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable; Grazing management; Management, holistic (Management)
ESP // Conservación (Medio Ambiente); Capacidad de carga; Capacidad de Carga Animal; Liderazgo, administración responsable; Carga animal ecológicamente sostenible; Manejo del Pastoreo; Manejo holísitico (Manejo)

Tagging // Aretado

Management // Manejo

US // Usually refers to putting ear tags in the ears of cattle to be able to track each animal.
National Cattlemen’s website.
CAN // The placing of dangle tags or radio frequency identification tags in the ears of cattle.
CFIA & CCIA, 2010: 1.
MEX // Colocación de aretes para identificación individual de animales.
Sánchez Granillo, E., PhD. Councillor of the Minister, Ministry of Rural Development, State Government of Chihuahua. Personal communication, 2012.


EN // Traceability (Management)
ESP // Trazabilidad o Rastreabilidad (Manejo)