Natural // Natural

Marketing / Mercadotecnia

US // As required by USDA, meat, poultry, and egg products labeled as «natural» must be minimally processed and contain no artificial ingredients. However, the natural label does not include any standards regarding farm practices and only applies to processing of meat and egg products.
USDA website: Organic Labeling.
CAN // CFIA-regulated. A natural food or ingredient of a food is not expected to contain, or to ever have contained, an added vitamin, mineral nutrient, artificial flavouring agent or food additive.

A natural food or ingredient of a food does not have any constituent or fraction thereof removed or significantly changed, except the removal of water.
CFIA 2012.


EN // Agriculture, organic (Economy); Beef, chemical-free; Beef, free range; Beef, organic; Feed, organic (Management); Biodynamic; Proof of process (Marketing)
ESP // Agricultura orgánica (economía); Carne de ganado libre de sustancias químicas; Ganado, libre pastoreo; Carne orgánica; Ganado alimentado con alimentos orgánicos (Manejo); Biodinámico; Certificación, procesos (Mercadotecnia)

Never Ever 3 (NE3) // Nunca jamás

Management // Manejo

US // USDA Process Verified Program. This label verifies that the beef is free from the following three conditions: administration of antibiotics; administration of growth promotants; feed that contains animal by-products.
USDA, AMS 2009:2.


EN // Antibiotic free; Beef, All-natural; Beef, organic (Management)
ESP // Libre de antibioticos; Carne de ganado, 100% natural; Carne orgánica (Manejo)

Overgrazing // Sobrepastoreo

Environment / Medio Ambiente

US // The act of causing livestock to consume too much of the forage of a pasture or range area, resulting in loss of the most palatable species, reduced plant cover, and excessive soil erosion.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003. Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 340.
US // Continued heavy grazing which exceeds the recovery capacity of the forage plants and creates deterioration of the grazing lands.
Vallentine, J.F. 2001. Grazing Management. USA. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. See p. 571.
CAN // Regrazing a plant before it has completely recovered from a previous defoliation event; continued grazing which exceeds the recovery capacity of the plants causes range deterioration.
Saskatchewan Forage Association 2010.
MEX // Apacentamiento frecuente o continuo en determinado territorio, ya sea durante la temporada de crecimiento o bien an~o con an~o, de manera que no se da a las plantas tiempo suficiente para recuperarse.
ECOPAD 2007: 20.


EN // Conservation (Environment); Carrying capacity; Grazing capacity; Stewarship; Stocking density; Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable; Grazing management; Management, holistic (Management)
ESP // Conservación (Medio Ambiente); Capacidad de carga; Capacidad de Carga Animal; Liderazgo, administración responsable; Carga animal ecológicamente sostenible; Manejo del Pastoreo; Manejo holísitico (Manejo)

Paddock // Potrero

Management // Manejo

US // A pasture subdivision within a grazing unit
Beef Quality Assurance: 153.
US // A small area near a barn or stable, usually fenced or otherwise enclosed. It is used for pasture or for exercising animals, especially horses.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003. Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 344.
CAN // A division of land within a grazing cell.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
MEX // Terreno cercado con pastos para alimentar y guardar el ganado.
Sánchez Granillo, E., PhD. Councillor of the Minister, Ministry of Rural Development, State Government of Chihuahua. Personal communication, 2012.

Pastureland // Tierras de pastoreo

Management // Manejo

US // Generally, eastern pasturelands are planted and managed, whereas western rangelands are native pastures (USGCRP; 2009:76).
USGCRP 2009: 76.
MEX // Todas aquellas superficies de terreno que produzcan vegetación en forma natural o inducida, que son utilizadas para el pastoreo de ganado.


EN // Grassland; Prairie (Ecology); Pastureland; Prairie; Range; Rangeland (Management)/
ESP // Pastizal; Pradera (Ecología); Agostadero (Manejo)

Prairie // Pradera

Ecology // Ecología

US // Characterized by fertile soil, a mesic climate, and covered originally with coarse grasses, a prairie is an extensive, level or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland.
USDA website, NAL.
US // An area of natural grassland, usually with rich, dark soil on relatively smooth or gently rolling topography and a semiarid to subhumid climate. It may have scattered trees and shrubs, especially along streams and on valley slopes. Large areas of prairie occur in central USA and Canada and in comparable areas in other parts of the world. Smaller areas occur in grassed areas surrounded by forest in more humid climates and in relatively humid sites of drier climates.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003: Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 381.
CAN // An area of unbroken grassland or aspen parkland dominated by non-introduced species.
Prairie Conservation Forum 2006: 21.
CAN // Native grassland and parkland including aquatic and terrestrial habitats within the Prairie Ecozone.
PCAP 1998: 43.
MEX // Vegetación con predominancia de gramíneas.
Rzedowski, J. 1988. Vegetación de México. LIMUSA, México. Ver pág. 393.
MEX // Asociacio´n vegetal establecida por el hombre destinada al pastoreo en la que predominan zacates y leguminosas introducidos, o sus asociaciones, por medio de te´cnicas agrono´micas.
Esqueda et al. 2011: 10.


EN // Grassland (Ecology); Pastureland; Prairie; Range, Rangeland (Managment)
ESP // Pastizal (Ecología); Tierras de pastoreo; Pradera; Agostadero (Manejo)

Management // Manejo

MEX // Areas sembradas, generalmente con zacates o leguminosas y sus asociaciones, destinadas a la producción de forraje.


EN // Grassland; Prairie (Ecology); Pastureland; Range; Rangeland (Management)/
ESP // Pastizal; Pradera (Ecología); Tierras de pastoreo; Agostadero (Manejo)

Proof of process // Certificación, procesos

Marketing // Mercadotecnia

US // An affidavit that producers must complete to sell their meat through an organic or natural program, or a health food store. It can include information on how the animals were raised, usage of vaccinations and antibiotics, fertilizers and pesticides and how far the animals were transported for harvesting.
Thomas, H.S. 2005. Getting Started with Beef and Dairy Cattle. USA. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. See p. 97.


EN // Agriculture, organic (Economy); Beef, chemical-free; Beef, free range; Beef, organic; Feed, organic (Management); Biodynamic; Natural (Marketing)/
ESP // Agricultura orgánica (Economía); Carne de ganado libre de sustancias químicas; Ganado, libre pastoreo; Carne orgánica; Ganado alimentado con alimentos orgánicos (Manejo); Biodinámico; Natural (Mercadotecnia)

Raise Well Standard // Estándar de buena crianza

Marketing // Mercadotecnia

US // An initiative started by the Country Natural Beef Cooperative that protects animal welfare. The principle concerns are how the cattle are handled, what they are fed and how they are slaughtered. Used in conjunction with the Graze Well Standard.
Cobb, T.D. 2011. Reclaiming Our Food: How the Grassroots Food Movement is Changing the Way We Eat. USA. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. See p. 261.


EN // Agriculture, organic; Beef, grass-finished; Beef, green; Beef, humane; Beef, organic; Stocking Rate; Ecologically Sustainable (Management); Food Alliance Certified; Humane, certified; Ranching, Predator-friendly (Marketing)
ESP // Agricultura orgánica (Economía); Carne de ganado finalizada en pradera; Carne de ganado sustentable; Carne de ganado, trato humanitario; Carne orgánica; Carga animal ecológicamente sustentable (Manejo); Certificado por Alianza Alimentaria; Trato humanitario, certificado; Ganadería, amigable con los depredadores (Mercadotecnia)

Ranching, Predator-friendly // Ganadería, amigable con los depredadores

Marketing // Mercadotecnia

USCAN // Certified farms and ranches use humane practices to keep livestock safe and wildlife alive. Through pasture management strategies, guardian animals such as dogs and llamas, and vigilant observation, Predator Friendly® producers reduce the risk of conflict between livestock and wildlife.
Note: US certification body under which both US and Canadian ranches have been certified.
Predator Friendly website.


EN // Beef, grass-finished; Beef, green; Beef, humane; Beef, organic (Management); Food Alliance Certified; Humane, certified; Ranching (Marketing)
ESP // Carne de ganado finalizada en pradera; Carne de ganado sustentable; Carne de ganado, trato humanitario; Carne orgánica (Manejo); Certificado por Alianza Alimentaria; Trato humanitario, certificado (Mercadotecnia)

Range // Agostadero

Management // Manejo

US // Synonymous with Rangeland.


EN // Pastureland; Prairie; Rangeland (Managment)
ESP // Pastizal; Pradera (Ecología); Tierras de pastoreo; Agostadero (Manejo)

Range condition // Condición del agostadero

Management // Manejo

US // The present status of vegetation of a range site in relation to the historic climax or natural potential plant community for the site. Range condition is expressed as a percentage of the climax plant community presently occurring on the range site and grouped into four range condition classes: Poor (0-25%); Fair (26-50%); Good (51-75%); Excellent (76-100%). For Canada and Mexico, see «Grassland, good» and «Grassland, poor.»

Note: Term no longer used by NRCS. This term measures the range based upon ecological standards. This is different from «rangeland condition» which measure the range based upon agriculture production standards.
USDA website, NRCS.
CAN // See Rangeland Condition.

MEX // Estado actual de la vegetación de un sitio, expresado en términos comparativos con el máximo potencial de ese sitio.
Esqueda, M. et al. 2011: 9.


EN // Grassland, good; Grassland; poor; Range condition; Rangeland condition (Management)
ESP // Pastizal, bueno; Pastizal, pobre; Condición del agostadero (Manejo)

Rangeland // Agostadero

Management // Manejo

US // Land on which the indigenous vegetation (climax or natural potential) is predominately grasses, grass-like plants, forbs, or shrubs and is managed as a natural ecosystem. If plants are introduced, they are managed similarly. Rangelands include natural grasslands, savannas, shrublands, many deserts, tundra, alpine communities, marshes, and wet meadows (SRM 1999). The NAL authors also include oak and pinyon-juniper woodlands in this definition. Synonymous with «range» and «rangelands.»
USDA website, NAL.
US // A large area of generally untilled open land, especially grassland used for grazing livestock or left for the benefit of wild animals. Also called range.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003: Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 398.
US // Generally western rangelands are native pastures.
USGCRP 2009: 76.
CAN // Land supporting native vegetation that either is grazed or that has the potential to be grazed, and is managed as a natural ecosystem, including grassland, forests, and shrubland.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
CAN // Rangelands, a broad category of land comprising more than 40% of the earth’s land area, are characterized by native plant communities, which are often associated with grazing, and are managed by ecological, rather than agronomic methods. The term «range» can also include forestlands that have grazing resources, or seeded lands that are managed like rangeland. Range resources are not limited to the grazable forage, but may include wildlife, water and many other benefits.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
MEX // Área de tierra con vegetacio´n natural apta para la alimentacio´n directa de herbi´voros, en particular de ganado dome´stico.
PACP-Ch, 2011: 31.
MEX // Área donde pastorea el ganado, independientemente de la vegetacio´n que exista. El agostadero puede estar ubicado en zonas a´ridas, semia´ridas o tropicales.
Esqueda, M. et al. 2011: 9.


EN // Grassland; Prairie (Ecology); Pastureland; Prairie; Range (Managment)
ESP // Pastizal; Pradera (Ecología); Tierras de pastoreo; Agostadero (Manejo)