Beef, short-fed // Carne de ganado mantenido en corral durante un periodo corto

Management // Manejo

US // Beef from cattle that spend less time than is typical on the feedlot, making for leaner meat. E.g. 92-94 days instead of the industry average of 120-140 days.
Campbell, D. 2006. The Natural: «Brickless» marketing co-op helps ranchers tap growing market for lean, natural beef. USA. Rural Cooperatives 73(4): 4-9.
CAN // Cattle placed on feed after being weaned. Usually placed on feed during months of March through July. Fed for 120-160 days.
Lardy 1999: 5.
MEX // Ganado que permanece un periodo corto en el corral de engorda para producir carne magra.
Sánchez Granillo, E., PhD. Councillor of the Minister, Ministry of Rural Development, State Government of Chihuahua. Personal communication, 2012.

Biodiversity // Biodiversidad

Ecology // Ecología

US // The variety of living organisms occupying an area, including the number of species, variations within each species, and the habitat that sustains them.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003. Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 47.
CAN // The variety and variability found within and among organisms and the natural systems they live in.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
CAN // The variety, distribution and abundance of different plants, animals and microorganisms, the ecological functions and processes they perform, and the genetic diversity they contain at local, regional or landscape levels of analysis.
PCAP 1998: 43.
MEX // La biodiversidad o diversidad biológica es la variedad de la vida. Este reciente concepto incluye varios niveles de la organización biológica. Abarca a la diversidad de especies de plantas y animales que viven en un sitio, a su variabilidad genética, a los ecosistemas de los cuales forman parte estas especies y a los paisajes o regiones en donde se ubican los ecosistemas. También incluye los procesos ecológicos y evolutivos que se dan a nivel de genes, especies, ecosistemas y paisajes.
CONABIO website
MEX // Concepto que abarca toda la variedad de vida incluyendo a los ecosistemas y a los complejos ecologicos de los que forma parte, comprende ecosistemas, especies y genes.
ECOPAD 2007: 19.


EN // Conservation; Sustainable Development (Environment)
ESP // Conservación; Desarrollo Sostenible (Medio Ambiente)

Biodynamic (Demeter) // Biodinámico (Demeter)

Marketing // Mercadotecnia

US // A holistic and regenerative farming approach that seeks to create a system which can meet the needs of the farm from the living dynamics of the farm itself. The farm’s biodiversity is organized so that the waste of one part of the farm becomes the energy for another part. For certification (via Demeter Biodynamic), a minimum of 50% of the feed ration must come from on-farm production. If the other 50% is imported, a minimum of 30% must be Demeter-certified feed and the remaining 20% must be certified organic. There are other criteria concerning feed supplements and housing/outside access and more.
Demeter USA website