Beef, forage-finished // Carne de ganado finalizada con forraje

Management // Manejo

CAN // Animal diets must be 100% forage from weaning to slaughter; this may be any combination of grass and legumes from pasture during the growing season or stored forage during the feed period (winter). The animal (including calves) cannot be fed energy in the form of starch (e.g. cereal grains, potato waste, etc).
Manitoba Grass Fed Beef Association 2011
CAN // «Forage finished beef» is meat that has been produced by feeding beef cattle a diet of high quality forage from start to finish. Grain is not utilized at all during this process.
Manitoba Forage Council 2007: 4


EN // Forage; Beef, grass-finished (Management)
ESP // Forraje; Carne de ganado finalizada en pradera (Manejo)

Beef, free range // Ganado, libre pastoreo

Management // Manejo

US // Beef that comes from cattle that were not confined during most or all of their lives. Also can imply that animals were fed on what was not commercially produced. It is sometimes combined with grass-fed or organic, but there is no «free-range beef» certification. There is, however, a «free-range poultry» designation that is USDA-regulated. It indicates that the flock was provided shelter in a building, room or area with unlimited access to food, fresh water, and continuous access to the outdoors during their production cycle.
USDA website, NOP. Also Nevada Free Range Beef website.
MEX // Carne producida a partir de ganado en libre pastoreo.
Sánchez Granillo, E., PhD. Councillor of the Minister, Ministry of Rural Development, State Government of Chihuahua. Personal communication, 2012.


EN // Agriculture, organic (Economy); Beef, chemical-free; Beef, organic; Feed, organic (Management); Biodynamic; Natural; Proof of process (Marketing)
ESP // Agricultura orgánica (Economía); Carne de ganado libre de sustancias químicas; Carne orgánica; Ganado alimentado con alimentos orgánicos (Manejo); Biodinámico; Natural; Certificación, procesos (Mercadotecia)

Beef, grain-finished // Carne de ganado finalizado con grano

Management // Manejo

US // Raising cattle primarily on grass and then finishing for a very short time on grain.
Thomas, H. 2005. Getting Started with Beef and Dairy Cattle. USA. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. See p. 100.


EN // Beef, grain-supplemented (Management)
ESP // Carne de ganado suplementado con grano (Manejo)

Beef, grain-supplemented // Carne de ganado suplementado con grano

Management // Manejo

US // Animals are fed a mixture of grain and grasses—they are not forced to eat grain, but it is provided for them in small amounts in the field.
Weber, K. 2009. Food, Inc. USA. New York, NY: Perseus Books Group. See p. 199.


EN // Beef, grain-finished (Management)
ESP // Carne de ganado finalizado con grano (Manejo)

Beef, grass fattened // Engorda de ganado en pradera

Management // Manejo

US // Beef from cattle fattened on grass forage, in contrast to cattle fed grain or high-protein feeds.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003. Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 211.
MEX // Carne producida por ganado engordado en praderas.
Sánchez Granillo, E., PhD. Councillor of the Minister, Ministry of Rural Development, State Government of Chihuahua. Personal communication, 2012.


EN // Beef, grass-fed; Beef, grass-finished (Management)
ESP // Carne de ganado de pradera; Carne de ganado finalizada en pradera (Manejo)

Beef, grass fed // Carne de ganado de pradera

Management // Manejo

US // USDA-Verified Label. Animals have fed on grass and forage for their entire lives, with the exception of milk consumed prior to weaning. The diet must consist solely of grass (annual and perennial), forbs (e.g., legumes, Brassica), browse, or cereal grain crops in the vegetative (pre-grain) state. These animals cannot be fed grain or grain byproducts and must have continuous access to pasture during the growing season. This label does not limit the use of antibiotics, hormones or pesticides. This is a voluntary verification. Also called «USDA forage fed.»
Thomas, H.S. 2005. Getting Started with Beef and Dairy Cattle. USA. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. See p. 93. Also USDA website, AMS.
US // Generally, beef from cattle that have fed on grass and forage for their entire lives, with the exception of milk consumed prior to weaning. Third-party certification for grass fed beef is available from several organizations, including the American Grassfed Association. Standards vary.
USDA website, AMS.
CAN // Beef from cattle that have eaten only grass or forage throughout their lives, however some producers do call their beef grass fed but then actually finish the animals on grain for the last 90 to 160 days before slaughter.
Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development website.

CAN // Animal diets must be 100% forage from weaning to slaughter; this may be any combination of grass and legumes from pasture during the growing season or stored forage during the feed period (winter). The animal (including calves) cannot be fed energy in the form of starch (e.g. cereal grains, potato waste, etc).
Manitoba Grass Fed Beef Association website


EN // Beef, grass fattened; Beef, grass-finished (Management)
ESP // Engorda de ganado en pradera; Carne de ganado finalizada en pradera (Manejo)

Beef, grass-finished // Carne de ganado finalizada en pradera

Management // Manejo

US // Beef from cattle raised entirely on forage, with no concentrates (grains or supplements) in the diet.
Thomas, H.S. 2005. Getting Started with Beef and Dairy Cattle. USA. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing. See p. 266.
CAN // Grass finished cattle are fattened on grass only, until the day that they are processed.
Cattlemen’s Beef Board. Note: This is an American organization but the definition is used by several Canadian beef marketers.


EN // Beef, green (Management)
ESP // Carne de ganado sostenible (Manejo)

Beef, green // Carne de ganado sostenible

Management // Manejo

US // 1. Same as «beef, grass-finished.» 2. Grass-finished, but also accompanied by many other claims of sustainability and humane-treatment, such as no pesticides/fertilizers, no irrigation, no growth-hormones, no confinement and more.
PBS Nature website. Also, Green Beef website.
CAN // Cattle that are relatively thin with only small amounts of body condition.
Lardy 1999: 4.


EN // Beef, grass-finished; Beef, humane; Beef, organic (Management); Food Alliance Certified; Humane, certified; Ranching, Predator-friendly (Marketing)
ESP // Carne de ganado finalizada en pradera; Carne de ganado, trato humanitario; Carne orgánica (Manejo); Certificado por Alianza Alimentaria; Trato humanitario, certificado; Ganadería, amigable con los depredadores (Mercadotecnia)

Beef, humane // Carne de ganado, trato humanitario

Management // Manejo

US // Beef from cattle that were «treated humanely» during the production cycle. Multiple labeling programs exist, but verification of these claims varies widely.
USDA website, NOP.


EN // Beef, grass-finished; Beef, green; Beef, organic (Management); Food Alliance Certified; Humane, certified; Ranching, Predator-friendly (Marketing)
ESP // Carne de ganado finalizada en pradera; Carne de ganado, trato humanitario; Carne orgánica (Manejo); Certificado por Alianza Alimentaria; Trato humanitario, certificado; Ganadería, amigable con los depredadores (Mercadotecnia)

Beef, natural // Carne de ganado libre de hormonas

Management // Manejo

US // 1. A term used widely and without federal verification for how animals were raised. Over a dozen natural beef programs exist, each with its own production requirements.
2. USDA-Requirement. A label about how beef was processed. The USDA requires that any beef with this label must be minimally processed and with no additives, such as artificial flavoring, coloring ingredient, chemical preservative, or any other artificial or synthetic ingredient. This refers only to processing (meat-packing stage) and therefore is not required to carry claims regarding how the animal was raised. «Natural» does not guarantee that cattle have been grain- or grass-fed, nor is it a confirmation that the meat is free from growth hormones or antibiotics.
USDA website, Fact Sheet. Also University of Arkansas.
CAN // Beef produced without the use of antibiotics and artificial growth stimulants.
Government of Saskatchewan 2008.


EN // Agriculture, organic (Economy); Antibiotic free; Beef, chemical-free; Beef, free range; Beef, humane; Beef, organic; Feed, organic; Never Ever 3 (NE3); Rangeland management (Management); Biodynamic; Graze Well Standard; Natural; Proof of process (Marketing)
ESP // Agricultura orgánica (Economía); Libre de antibioticos; Carne de ganado libre de sustancias químicas; Carne orgánica; Nunca jamás; Manejo de agostadero (Manejo); Biodinámico; estándar de buen pastoreo; Natural; Certificación, procesos (Mercadotecnia)

Beef, organic // Carne orgánica

Management // Manejo

US // USDA-Certification. Beef from cattle raised under natural conditions, using management methods that include no contact with human-made chemicals except for vaccines. It also means animals were raised in a humane and natural fashion, on land properly managed for environmental health and sustainable production. The producer must write an organic system plan and allow official examination of the program. Beef raised in an organic meat program must be fed naturally grown feed, whether grass, grain or hay.
USDA website: NOP, AMS and NAL.
MEX // Productos orgánico (incluyendo carne), los cuales se definen por no utilizar ningún agroquímico. Este tipo de productos se desarrollan bajo un sistema de insumos naturales y buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA) que protegen el medio ambiente, con el fin de generar un sistema de producción autosustentable en el largo plazo y así obtener productos libres de residuos químicos tanto frescos como procesados.


EN // Agriculture, organic (Economy); Beef, chemical-free; Beef, free range; Beef, humane; Feed, organic (Management); Biodynamic; Natural; Proof of process (Marketing)
ESP // Agricultura orgánica (Economía); Carne de ganado libre de sustancias químicas; Ganado, libre pastoreo; Carne de ganado, trato humanitario; Ganado alimentado con alimentos orgánicos (Manejo); Biodinámico; Natural; Certificación, procesos (Mercadotecnia)