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BC Grassland Stewardship Guide: A Guide for Ranchers and Recreation Users
BC Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks
This guide was created by British Columbia (BC) Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks to help ranchers and recreation users to recognize stewardship activities as crucial to the successful conservation of diverse, healthy grasslands.
Funk Farms Trust
Shirley, Illinois
Located in Shirley, Illinois, Funk Farms has long prioritized environmental stewardship. As one of the oldest farms in Illinois, management has continually adhered to sustainable practices. The farm has implemented a number of beneficial practices including water management through 35 miles of waterways and soil erosion control through 25 miles of terraces.
Rangeland Management Strategies
Sustainable Agriculture Network, USA
This bulletin from the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SARE) recommends strategies that may help to integrate range management techniques that have long-term benefits for people, their land and their communities.