CEC Supported Pilots
Browse IndexTwenty ranchers across North America implemented beneficial management practices with support from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation and in partnership with the Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association, Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition, IMC-Vida Silvestre, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua and Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.
Rancho El Gorguz
Janos, Chihuahua
The purpose of the adoption of sound management practices at Rancho El Gorguz was to strengthen ranch infrastructure to improve the grazing system and grassland conditions, thereby enriching the habitat for fauna.
Rancho Lujo Barato
Ascensión, Chihuahua
The purpose of adopting sound management practices at Rancho Lujo Barato was to strengthen ranch infrastructure to improve the grazing system and grassland conditions, thereby enriching the fauna habitat. After touring the ranch, it was decided to carry out the project at the El Sapo pasture, as it is very visible from the highway and easily accessed.
Rancho Plan de Álamos
Villa Ahumada and Chihuahua, Chihuahua
Rancho Plan de Álamos is located in the priority land region known as the Flores Magón and Sierra del Nido Grasslands in the central valley region of Chihuahua, where the state’s last uncultivated valleys are located. As part of the grassland conservation collaboration initiative launched by the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory and IMC Vida Silvestre…
Rancho San Blas
Ascensión, Chihuahua
The implementation of sound management practices at Rancho San Blas was intended to improve the grazing plan and the grassland conditions to benefit the habitat for area fauna. Prior to the project, the ranch had 10 paddocks, although their size, as well as the lack of water in some of them, made adequate cattle rotation difficult.
Rancho San Luis
Villa Ahumada, Chihuahua
Rancho San Luis forms part of the grassland conservation collaboration initiative between the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) and the non-profit organizations, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory and IMC Vida Silvestre, financed with funds from the CEC, the USFWS-NMBCA Program, and Mexico’s National Commission for Protected Natural…
South 7 Ranches
Barrhead, Alberta
Chad and Stacey Meunier have owned and operated South 7 Ranches for seven years and have been farming for 20 years. Stacey has taken the Ranching for Profit School twice and her family farm was managed under Holistic Management principles.
Veno Ranch
Hanna, Alberta
With her husband Murray McArthur, Marj Veno’s operation has grown from a 120-head commercial cow herd to 300 purebred and 300 commercial Angus cows on 5,050 hectares, the majority of which is native range.
Veno Ranch (2)
Hanna, Alberta
With her husband Murray McArthur, Marj Veno’s operation has grown from a 120-head commercial cow herd to 300 purebred and 300 commercial Angus cows on 5,050 hectares, the majority of which is native range.
Barber County, Kansas
This project was designed to improve rangeland health for livestock, manage grazing distribution, control invasive trees, improve wetland management, and enhance habitat for aquatic and grassland-dependent wildlife species.