Government Partnerships
Browse Index-
Adaptation to Climate Change in Management of Prairie Grasslands
Saskatchewan Research Council
The Prairies Regional Adaptation Collaborative created this document to identify the vulnerability of prairie grasslands to climate change and to recognize appropriate responses to mitigate predicted changes.
Alexander Ranch Sun City, Kansas
Ted Alexander
The Alexander Ranch of Sun City, Kansas has been selected as one of the regional recipients of the 2007 Environmental Stewardship Award Program [by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association].
Bar LD Ranch
Bonnyville, Alberta
Bar LD Ranch, located near Bonnyville, Alberta demonstrates a commitment to land management, water quality, wildlife conservation, and leadership activities in the community. Because of the erosion-prone sandy and rocky soil (common to the region) rotational grazing and moderate stocking rates are used to maintain rangeland health…
Bold Ranch
Winifred, Montana
Located near Winifred, Montana, Bold Ranch operates as a sustainable working and recreational enterprise. Bold Ranch was an early adopter of no-till farming in the region, providing soil and water conservation and carbon sequestration benefits.
Chinook Ranch Ltd.
Longview, Alberta
Located near Longview, Alberta, Chinook Ranch displays a long-term vision of sustainable ranching. During the growing season the cattle graze a maximum of two to five days in one area to prevent overgrazing, and the potential spread of invasive species into native habitats.
Grasslands: Towards a North American Conservation Strategy
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
This publication is intended to provide a framework for tri- and binational cooperation between Canada, the United States and Mexico that promotes the conservation and sustainable use of central North American grasslands.
Management of Canadian Prairie Rangeland
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada
This document was created by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to provide information to range managers, ranchers, scientists and wildlife managers about management practices for Canadian natural grass rangelands.
Managing Your Native Prairie Parcels: Your Guide to Caring for Native Prairie in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Corporation, Saskatchewan
The Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Corporation created this planning guide to help landowners learn about and manage native grasslands on their land, covering topics such as native grassland conservation and enhancement…
Rangeland Management Strategies
Sustainable Agriculture Network, USA
This bulletin from the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SARE) recommends strategies that may help to integrate range management techniques that have long-term benefits for people, their land and their communities.
Sharing the Land with Pinyon-Juniper Birds
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, Colorado
The Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory created this document to educate land managers about beneficial practices that can enhance pinyon-juniper bird habitat on their land. It was developed with funding primarily provided by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Slovek Ranch Philip, South Dakota
Bill and Pennie Slovek
The Slovek Ranch is located near Philip, South Dakota, where Bill – a third generation rancher – his wife Pennie and their youngest son Bo, run approximately 900 cow-calf pairs on over 13,000 acres. They also rent 6,000 to 7,000 acres every year.