Rangeland // Agostadero

Management // Manejo

US // Land on which the indigenous vegetation (climax or natural potential) is predominately grasses, grass-like plants, forbs, or shrubs and is managed as a natural ecosystem. If plants are introduced, they are managed similarly. Rangelands include natural grasslands, savannas, shrublands, many deserts, tundra, alpine communities, marshes, and wet meadows (SRM 1999). The NAL authors also include oak and pinyon-juniper woodlands in this definition. Synonymous with «range» and «rangelands.»
USDA website, NAL.
US // A large area of generally untilled open land, especially grassland used for grazing livestock or left for the benefit of wild animals. Also called range.
Troeh, F.R. and R.L. Donahue. 2003: Dictionary of Agricultural and Environmental Science. USA. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press. See p. 398.
US // Generally western rangelands are native pastures.
USGCRP 2009: 76.
CAN // Land supporting native vegetation that either is grazed or that has the potential to be grazed, and is managed as a natural ecosystem, including grassland, forests, and shrubland.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
CAN // Rangelands, a broad category of land comprising more than 40% of the earth’s land area, are characterized by native plant communities, which are often associated with grazing, and are managed by ecological, rather than agronomic methods. The term «range» can also include forestlands that have grazing resources, or seeded lands that are managed like rangeland. Range resources are not limited to the grazable forage, but may include wildlife, water and many other benefits.
Saskatchewan Forage Council 2010.
MEX // Área de tierra con vegetacio´n natural apta para la alimentacio´n directa de herbi´voros, en particular de ganado dome´stico.
PACP-Ch, 2011: 31.
MEX // Área donde pastorea el ganado, independientemente de la vegetacio´n que exista. El agostadero puede estar ubicado en zonas a´ridas, semia´ridas o tropicales.
Esqueda, M. et al. 2011: 9.


EN // Grassland; Prairie (Ecology); Pastureland; Prairie; Range (Managment)
ESP // Pastizal; Pradera (Ecología); Tierras de pastoreo; Agostadero (Manejo)

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